Tag Archives: chief

Missouri Police Chief Admits Citizen Journalists Keep Cops Honest

As I’m sure most of you know, there has been a bit of a situation in Ferguson, MO. The killing of unarmed citizens by police, the presence of protesters, the true arrival of the police industrial complex, the accidental shooting of protesters and vitriolic displays by what seem to be mentally unstable police officers.

But just like every black hole emits Hawking Radiation, there is some good emanating from the situation in Ferguson. In fact, I believe we’ve been given the strategy to defeat psychopathic cops by one of their own. More on that later…

To start off the good news, three of these potentially psychopathic cops have either retired, been suspended or fired after displaying tendencies towards violence and mass murder.

Credit to GadflyWrites for the Image
“Where is a Muslim with a back pack when you need them.” -Matthew Pappert courtesy of Facebook

Let’s start with ex-officer from Glendale, Matthew Pappert. He was caught on Facebook posting that the protesters should have been put down like dogs and lamented at the lack of a Muslim back-pack bomber to do the job. Now I can see why he doesn’t like protesters, because I’d have to guess there have been numerous gatherings protesting his gold-douche-chill fedora shown on the right. What I can’t see is how a guy who claims to have gone to Harvard has such a hard time with subject-verb agreement in his Facebook posts. Regardless, he’s been fired, much to the delight of the sane. Score one for Facebook and the Daily Caller who preserved the Facebook posts. Continue reading Missouri Police Chief Admits Citizen Journalists Keep Cops Honest