Tag Archives: bernie

Ode to the Spark: A Bernie Sanders delegate’s final thoughts on the Nevada Democratic Party 2016 Caucuses

by Mark Szczygiel
May 17th, 2017

Donald Trump is president. Hillary Clinton presently is vapor and Bernie Sanders is still campaigning. The new “cold war” is heating up. This is the state of affairs today.

Our pendulum swings in politics similar to the swings in our capitalistic economy. Some say only a revolution can fix it. Some have tried to a degree, Henry Wallace, MLK JrMcGovern - Copy.jpg., RFK, even JFK. Then stopped cold dead for the most part. I tried my part, beginning in 1972 – voting for George McGovern. Naïve empowerment filled me, not knowing in the background, my Democratic Party was throwing him to the wolves.

Enter Bernie Sanders and his “Our Revolution”. I took the bite – one last chance to make things right – one last swing to crack the proverbial vault and to vanquish the soulless, the contemptuous, the psychopaths from society’s command.

First, my wife and I caucused for Bernie in our precinct and we managed to get a tie in the body count. Surprising, considering it’s an affluent area. In the end, Hillary won by support from the Harry Reid’s controlled Culinary union. A feat documented by Jon Ralston calling Reid “Prince Harry” and delivering for Clinton. Onward and forward. Continue reading Ode to the Spark: A Bernie Sanders delegate’s final thoughts on the Nevada Democratic Party 2016 Caucuses