Category Archives: Conspiracy

Just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean they aren’t after you.

Are Pharmaceutical Companies Responsible For Ignoring an Ebola Cure?

There has been a new untested treatment used on two Americans infected with the Ebola virus, sparking a controversy about a potential cure. However this isn’t the first controversy over an Ebola treatment. In 1995 during a breakout in Zaire, local doctors used a simple transfusion method on nine people. Despite vocal opposition from the Western doctors on the scene, eight of the nine people survived.

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Psst. It Was the CIA… Discussion of JFK Assassination

This is the conclusion to the live discussion on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy with Jim Marrs, Dick Russell, and Joan Mellen.
It was conducted at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas on 1-31-14.
I’ll end the suspense… They conclude it was the CIA. But watch the video anyway… there’s also some good advice.

“Party at the NSA!” by Yacht

Live at the rally in October